Commencement Dates and Important Information
We look forward to our commencement ceremonies in May, which will include graduates from summer 2023, 2023年秋季, 2024年春天. The dates, times, and locations are as follows:
- 多佛特里校园,下午6点.m.5月13日星期一
- 欧文斯校园,乔治城,下午6点.m.5月14日,星期二
- 斯坦顿/George Campuses, Bob Carpenter Center at the University of Delaware, 7 p.m.5月15日星期三
Details about commencement will be updated regularly. Check back for updates and additional information.
All graduates participating in the ceremony must wear Delaware Tech regalia, which can be ordered online or in person at the 校园书店. 徽章和毕业典礼门票将在校园毕业派对上领取. The graduation party dates, times, and locations are as follows:
- 乔治敦大学: 4月16日下午12点到2点.m. 4-6个.m.学生服务中心
- 威尔明顿: 4月17日下午12点到2点.m. 4-6个.m.,书店
- 斯坦顿: 4月17日下午12点到2点.m. 4-6个.m.会议中心
- 多佛: 4月22日下午12点至2点.m. 4-6个.m.戴尔一号会议中心
在每个校园毕业典礼期间,此页面将提供实时视频流. 婚礼录像和照片的录制版本将在获得后尽快发布.
The Class of 2024 includes those who completed their programs in the summer of 2023, 2023年秋天, 或者2024年春天.
Class of 2024 graduates must complete the online 毕业申请 on the student information system dashboard to receive a printed diploma. To ensure graduates’ names are properly listed in the commencement program, the application must be completed by April 26, 2024.
一旦申请完成, 你可以在学生信息系统的“毕业信息”下查看你的学生档案.“如果你完成了一份申请, click on the “Active(1)” link to review; if you did not complete an application, 你会看到“None”.”
No; however, 选择参加毕业典礼的毕业生必须戴绶帽, 礼服, 和流苏), which must be purchased online or in person through the 校园书店.
是的. All graduates participating in the ceremony must wear Delaware Tech regalia, which must be ordered in person or online at the 校园书店. 标记 will be available for pickup at the campus graduation parties. The graduation party dates, times, and locations are as follows:
- 乔治敦大学: 4月16日下午12点到2点.m. 4-6个.m.学生服务中心
- 威尔明顿: 4月17日下午12点到2点.m. 4-6个.m.,书店
- 斯坦顿: 4月17日下午12点到2点.m. 4-6个.m.会议中心
- 多佛: 4月22日下午12点至2点.m. 4-6个.m.戴尔一号会议中心
Veterans and service members may also opt to wear their dress uniform.
Honor cords are given to graduates who have earned cum laude, 优等生, and summa cum laude recognition based on cumulative grade point aver年龄. 荣誉勋章将在多佛校区和乔治敦校区的彩排和斯坦顿校区和威尔明顿校区的毕业典礼上分发.
Students earning a cumulative grade point aver年龄 (GPA) between 3.25和3.49人将以优异成绩毕业. 累积平均分在3分之间的学生.5和3.79人将以优异成绩毕业. 累积平均分在3分之间的学生.8和4.我将以最优等的成绩毕业.
与退伍军人和服役人员的学术顾问核实他们服务过的毕业生, 或者正在服役, 在美国.S. 武装部队将获得红、白、蓝三色荣誉绳,以感谢他们的服务. 退伍军人的唱片将在多佛校区和乔治敦校区的彩排和斯坦顿校区和威尔明顿校区的毕业典礼上分发.
Honor society members have approved regalia for commencement ceremonies:
Phi Theta Kappa的学生可以购买PTK荣誉证书和/或荣誉证书 强的网站.
作为Alpha Beta Gamma(商业)或Lambda Epsilon Chi(法律研究)成员的毕业生应联系他们的俱乐部顾问购买他们的荣誉协会徽章.
出国留学的毕业生应佩戴代表其所访问国家的披肩. 毕业生可以联系校园国际教育协调员了解更多信息.
Sigma Theta Tau students will receive cords at induction or may purchase from the 西格玛Theta Tau网站.
Commencement ceremonies are held in each county.
- 多佛: 特里校园,下午6点.m.5月13日星期一
- 乔治敦大学: 欧文斯校园,下午6点.m.5月14日,星期二
- 斯坦顿/威尔明顿: Bob Carpenter Center at the University of Delaware, 7 p.m.5月15日星期三
- 多佛: 学生应在下午5:15到达特里校区的Del-One会议中心.m.
- 乔治敦大学: Students should arrive at the Carter Partnership Center on the Owens Campus by 5 p.m.
- 斯坦顿/威尔明顿: 学生应在下午6点前到达特拉华大学的鲍勃·卡彭特中心.m.
是的, each campus will conduct a rehearsal prior to the ceremony; it is highly recommended that you attend so that you will understand the flow of the ceremony.
- 多佛: 5月10日星期五上午10点.m.在Del-One会议中心
- 乔治敦大学: 5月14日星期二上午10点.m.在帐篷下
- 斯坦顿/威尔明顿: Wednesday, May 15, noon, in the Bob Carpenter Center
Graduates earning multiple degrees will walk across the st年龄 only one time, 但是他们的名字会出现在毕业典礼手册上所有获得/授予的学位下面.
Students must participate at their home campus commencement ceremony.
是的,需要买票. To receive tickets, graduates must indicate on the 毕业申请 他们正在参加典礼. Tickets will be distributed with regalia at the campus graduation parties. The graduation party dates, times, and locations are as follows:
- 乔治敦大学: 4月16日下午12点到2点.m. 4-6个.m.学生服务中心
- 威尔明顿: 4月17日下午12点到2点.m. 4-6个.m.,书店
- 斯坦顿: 4月17日下午12点到2点.m. 4-6个.m.会议中心
- 多佛: 4月22日下午12点至2点.m. 4-6个.m.戴尔一号会议中心
- 乔治敦大学: Tickets are required for all those who wish to sit under the tent. Tickets are not required for seating around the exterior of the tent. Guests who select this area will need to provide their own chairs. 每位毕业生获得两(2)张门票. 2岁以下的儿童如果坐在成人持票人的腿上,则不需要单独购票. 下午4:30开始入座.m. All ticket holders must be seated by 5:30 p.m. Alternate viewing locations include Room 529 of the William A. 卡特合作中心(福赛特演讲厅)或艺术与科学中心的剧院. Livestream is also available on the College website.
- 多佛: Tickets are required for all those who wish to sit under the tent. Tickets are not required for seating around the exterior of the tent. Guests who select this area will need to provide their own chairs. 每位毕业生获得三(3)张门票. 2岁以下的儿童如果坐在成人持票人的腿上,则不需要单独购票. 下午4:45开始入座.m. All ticket holders must be seated by 5:30 p.m. 其他观看地点包括教育技术大楼的Del-One会议中心. The livestream is also available on the College website.
- 斯坦顿/威尔明顿: Tickets are required to sit in the Bob Carpenter Center. Each graduate receives six (6) guest tickets. 2岁以下的儿童如果坐在成人持票人的腿上,则不需要单独购票. 下午五点半开始入座.m. All ticket holders must be seated by 6:30 p.m. 没有门票的客人可以通过学院网站上的直播观看仪式.
请联系校园残疾支持顾问,为您或您的客人要求住宿. If the campus requires tickets for seating, all guests must have a ticket. 为了帮助我们更好地满足您的需求,请在活动前10个工作日与我们联系.
- 多佛: Dr. 马修·辛克 mzink1@deleonclubvictoria.com, (302) 857-1349
- 乔治敦大学: 香农赖特, 香农.wright@deleonclubvictoria.com, (302) 259-6049
- 斯坦顿: Dr. Heather Statler hstatler@deleonclubvictoria.com, (302) 454-3927
- 威尔明顿: 斯蒂芬妮Spadaccini, 斯蒂芬妮.spadaccini@deleonclubvictoria.com, (302) 434-5553